Visualizing Imperfect Data

Description of Research

You are invited to participate in a research study about how well people can interpret visualized data. This study will include native English speakers from 18 to 65 years old, without color vision deficiency, who feel comfortable using an online interface to select a series of questions.

To reiterate, you are eligible for this study if and only if:

What Will My Participation Involve?

If you decide to participate in this research then you will be shown a series of visualized imperfect data and asked to compare the average number of Tweets in the first half-hour how confident you feel about it. Afterwards, we will collect some basic demographic data. Please be aware that your responses will be vetted. If responses appear to be spam, the HIT will not be accepted.

How Long Will This Take?

We expect this study to take less than 20 minutes.

Contact Information

If you have additional questions, please contact Hayeong Song. If you are not satisfied with the response of the research team or have more questions, you should contact the University of Colorado IRB Office at (303) 735-3702. By clicking "Ready" you confirm that you meet the criteria for this study and are ready to proceed. This will open up the study in a new window.

Please accept HIT before clicking 'Ready.' Do not leave this page until the study is completed!

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If you are participating from Mechanical Turk, the submission information will appear here once you are done:

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